

A dear friend of mine from Chiropractic school just had a heart attack. I was in shock at first and then gradually accepted that even chiropractors have health problems. …

Ear Infections

The power of the chiropractic adjustment is very evident in young children with ear infections. My own personal experience was solidified about 16 years ago with my own daughter. …


Uncertainty makes humans anxious, however, is there anything certain other than death and taxes in this life. We are in the most challenging times most of us have ever …

Change of seasons

We are in the midst of the transition between summer and fall. If you observe nature, dramatic changes are afoot with grass and plants withering, leaves changing color, as …

Back to school!

For those of us with kids it’s back to school. A faster pace and lots more organization to get everything done. This can and does translate in some sense …


This past week or so I have been hearing a lot of people complaining about fatigue. I believe this is related to the high pollen count even if you …

Take a Break

The glory of rest and relaxation. Having just taken a small break I am reminded of the importance of down time. This of course is not a new concept …

Spring Cleaning

Wow spring has sprung! What a beautiful display of renewal. Being in the midst of my annual cleanse I can almost feel the renewal at a cellular level. Like …
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