Life is what is happening in the now. I know most of you can relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed, overcommitted, and tired. I was having one of …
Hey out there to anyone reading, it’s detox time again. Time to throw out the garbage, prune the plants and generally clear space for renewal and new growth. Of …
A couple of weeks ago I heard a great interview on NPR with a doctor named Victoria Sweet, who has written a book called God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a …
I know how tired the expression diet and exercise has become and how uninspired it seems, however, the health ramifications are paramount. In our society of technology and advancement, …
A recent study reported that men who had more than 23 hours a week of sedentary activity had a 64% greater risk of dying from heart disease than those …
We see advertisements that milk strengthens our bones and teeth. This does seem logical since milk has 300 mg per cup of calcium in it. The problem is milk …
Just wanted to take a moment to remind or educate people about the dangers of heavy metals. They are becoming a major health problem for many people. In Alzheimer’s …
Avoid the holiday blues by not letting your diet and exercise routine completely collapse. Over eating and having way too much sugar and alcohol can really make your body …
It’s all a process. Health and healing as well as disease is all a process and goes in phases. For that matter most things in life are a process …
I know I have already started talking about the change of seasons and the body’s adaptation, however, now we are there and starting to see lots of people getting …